Nursery Children – Loving the LEGO!

Class 1 & the Nursery children have been lucky enough to participate in a Lego workshop linked to our topic about the seaside.

It can be tricky to get all the correct bits to line up nicely and clip into place – it was a very good workout for our fine-motor skills and creative thinking!

We worked together to create a beach scene, complete with beach huts, picnic tables and chairs – this will be everyone’s first choice for a Summer Holiday this year!

Easter Arts and Crafts

The Nursery and Class 1 completed some beautiful art and craft work in time for Easter.

They created these beautiful, cheerful daffodils for their Easter garden – how lovely and bright and so many different skills being used here to create these flowers – well done!


We also placed crosses in our garden to remember that Christians believe Jesus died on the cross for us.

Class 1 and Nursery join in saying “Happy Easter everyone, have a lovely holiday!”



Class 1 and Nursery have been hard at work this week, enjoying the sunshine and continuing their “Big Spring Clean”!

What a great way to work on our co-operation and teamwork skills while developing our fine and gross motor skills too – this cleaning up is harder than our parents and carers make it look! 


Once everything was clean and tidy, we set about planting some lovely colourful flowers to brighten up our shared areas.

Welcome Spring and well done everyone!


This term in Nursery and Class 1 we are looking at the theme of transport and vehicles.

We regularly join together to work on our learning and this week we have been constructing our own train tracks, loading up heavy duty vehicles and practicing our fine motor skills with colouring activities of different modes of transport.


We have spent some time designing and creating props for our role-play area this week – just look at that concentration! We have also done amazing graphic design work on our laptops – creating our own, personalised digital vehicle designs!

It’s certainly been a busy week!

The children in Nursery have been very busy with their themes of Castles and Shapes!

They have been doing a great job of creating castles using all different types of media:

…using the Smartboard and “simple city” programme to create digital castles

… wooden bricks to build unique castles


… even junk and scrap cardboard to create elaborate castle designs!

Well done all you clever castle architects and builders!

The children have also been busy practising their shapes by using sand to create shapes that represent objects and also using shapes to create more elaborate patterns and shapes – great work everyone!


We then went adventuring on a Dragon Hunt! (because what’s a good castle without a dragon!?)

We did our hunting in forest school and even created our very own leaf dragons!

The Nursery children also took part in the RSPB Birdwatch and used the bird puppets to listen to and identify the bird’s songs.