This page contains an alphabetical list of the school policies and official documents currently available digitally that are not included in our prospectus.

Should you require a paper copy of one of these documents, please visit our school office.

All Policies are reviewed annually, or sooner – as may be required by updated legislation and guidance.

The school’s current admissions policy is operated by the Shropshire Local Authority (LA), which is the Admissions Authority for all Community and Controlled Schools within Shropshire. Full details of the policy, together with information about the arrangements for admission, are set out in the ‘Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire’.

Admissions InformationAdmissions Policy 2023-24Admissions Policy 2024-25Admissions Policy 2025-26Admissions Policy ProcessAdmissions ArrangementsParents' Guide to Education

As a school, we work hard to educate and keep all children safe when using the internet in school. As part of this, we also raise awareness of the different types of social media platforms which some young people become familiar with outside of school time, perhaps through older siblings. There are age limits placed on these sites for appropriate use due to their content, including Facebook and TikTok. Both of these accounts have age restrictions of 13 years and over and are therefore seen as not suitable use by primary aged children.

E-Safety PolicyInformation and ICT Security PolicyThink U Know - Helpful Resource for Parents​DfE Guidance

The agreement between parents, children and the school on responsibilities and conduct.

Home-School Agreement Policy
Medicines Policy

Covers the use of medication during school time. In three parts (including Asthma and Epipen guidance).

An evaluation of the use of the Pupil Premium at St. Lucia’s during the 2018/19 school year and the plans for future use for 2019/20.

Evaluation and PlansAnonymous Spend for PPG

BT have released a press statement regarding free internet connectivity for disadvantaged families.

Internet connectivity for parents and communities