Pale blue polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt
Grey trousers
Grey shorts
Dark shoes (not trainers)
Dark grey / black socks
Pale blue polo shirt
Navy blue sweatshirt and/or cardigan
Grey skirt/culottes/trousers
Small-check blue & white dresses
Dark shoes (not trainers)
White socks with summer dress
Dark grey socks with grey trousers / skirt / culottes
In Winter, dark boots may be worn outside, but children will need to have flat, dark school shoes to wear indoors.
Sports Kit
- PE kit can be kept in a small drawstring bag.
- It is advisable to keep PE kits in school at all times.
- The wearing of jewellery, other than ear studs, is not allowed.
- Pupils with pierced ears must wear simple studs, which must be removed by the pupils for PE, or taped over.
Class 1
T-shirt & shorts which are easily identifiable, suitable footwear (trainers) for indoor/outdoor PE activities
Class 2, 3 & 4
White top, navy or black shorts or jogging bottoms, suitable footwear (trainers) for indoor/outdoor PE activities
Please ensure that all items of school clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Uniform items with the school logo are stocked by School Shop Direct:
Polo shirts
PE kits
School Shop Direct
Unit 13 Sundorne Trade Park
Featherbed Lane
Parents are also welcome to purchase uniforms from other outlets.
School Uniform Drop and Swap

As part of our Eco committee’s plan to reduce waste throughout the school, we have a uniform ‘Drop and Swap’ area in the main reception. Here, parents are welcome and encouraged to swap uniform their child has grown out of for the next size up! Thanks to the school’s commitment to being more mindful of waste and the support from parents and pupils, our drawers are always fully stocked with clothes ready to be swapped and used again.