During the Summer Holidays, an energetic and enthusiastic Team of teachers, parents, governors and children got together to work on giving St Lucia’s a holiday facelift!
- Classrooms were painted and fixed up
- Carpets were cleaned
- Hallways and the Reception area were painted
- Fences were mended and replaced
- Sheds were painted
- Outside fences and walls were painted
- A new chalk-board wall was painted
- The garden was dug out and re-created
- Bird boxes, bug hotels, new pathways, a bench and plants were all installed
- And lots of other jobs you may still be discovering as you walk around your school!
People were so impressed with all this hard work and effort, that the local Newspaper – the Shropshire Star, came to see what was going on, and even wrote an article about it!
Thank you so much to all the wonderful people who gave up their time and resources to come and help out on this project – we really appreciate you!
Thank you also to the following, who, through their generous donations, have helped us to achieve all this:
- Aggregate Industries – Haughmond Hill Quarry
- CJ WildBird Food
- Shropshire Homes
- Sundorne Estate
- St Lucia’s Friends